
SERP Scraper & Comment Form Detector Python Script

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SERP Scraper & Comment Form Detector Python Script

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SERP Scraper & Comment Form Detector

Unearth the top search results from major search engines and discover websites with comment forms!


Dive deep into the digital ocean with the SERP Scraper & Comment Form Detector. Whether you're a digital marketer looking to study your competition or a researcher wanting to analyze the prevalence of comment forms, our tool makes it effortless!

Harness the power of popular search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. Just provide your keywords, and the script fetches the top 20 links from these search engines. But wait, there's more! Our tool goes a step further. It intelligently scans each link to check for the presence of comment forms. This is invaluable for those aiming to engage with communities or seeking platforms to share their voice.

User Guide:

1. Setup:

Before you embark on your digital expedition, ensure your environment is ready:

  • Python: Ensure you have Python installed (preferably Python 3.7 or newer).
  • Dependencies: Navigate to the script's directory in your terminal or command prompt and run: pip install -r requirements.txt. This installs all the necessary libraries.

2. Using the Script:

  • Input: Place a file named keywords.txt in the script's directory. Each line of this file should contain a keyword you want to search for.
  • Running the Script: Navigate to the script's directory in your terminal or command prompt. Execute the command: python Watch as the script processes each keyword, giving you a live progress bar.
  • Output: Once the script completes its magic, you'll find a file named results.xlsx in the script's directory. This file contains columns for:
    • Keyword
    • Search Engine
    • URL
    • Position in SERP
    • Presence of Comment Form (True/False)

3. Tips & Troubleshooting:

  • Network Issues: If you face network-related errors, ensure you have a stable internet connection. If a particular search engine blocks requests, consider using proxies or waiting before trying again.
  • Logs: If something seems amiss, check scraper_errors.log in the script's directory. This file logs any issues encountered during the scraping process.

Embark on a journey through the vast expanse of the web, uncover hidden treasures, and interact with bustling digital communities. With the SERP Scraper & Comment Form Detector, the digital realm is at your fingertips!

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